Friday, June 28, 2013

Packing!....BUT hold on.

A hectic day! Packing has been placed on hold, at various times, by:

-Strong winds and storms last night, leading to a large number of branches needing to be cleared on the lawn to be mowed (Thank you, Jackson!).

-An extended (ex-ten-d-e-d) phone conversation with a Verizon representative to prepare cell phones for use in Europe. (It's never a good sign when the Verizon tech support guy says, re: Jacob's phone: "Huh!? I've never seen that before on an iPhone." An additional 45 minutes was needed for him to tackle this 'never seen' problem.)

-A near disastrous encounter with the steam iron. I will say no more on this subject.

-A needy dog. (Okay, I was expecting that part, and he's been pretty inactive (read: sleeping) since this morning.)

But those suitcases are filling up, checklists are being checked, last minute details are being addressed, and the countdown is officially on.

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