Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Greetings from Andover, Kansas!

Today, I'm in beautiful, sunny Andover, Kansas. While the view is not nearly as exotic or breathtaking as some of the locales in previous posts, I must say that it feels really, really good to me. On Sunday, Jacob and I spent 23 1/2 straight hours in airports and airplanes--from Frankfurt to JFK to Atlanta to Wichita--and that was quite enough of that nonsense for a good long time. (My suitcase decided to stay at JFK an extra day--I guess he did not want the trip to end???) When I woke up Monday morning, I opened my eyes and saw this painted design on the ceiling above me. My initial reaction was, "Wow, I have to take a picture of this.  This design looks so much like the design on the ceiling in my bedroom. (For some reason, I thought I was in Fontainebleau, France.) Jane won't believe it!" True story.

After getting a good night of sleep last night, I figured it was time to catch up on a few missing pieces on J Blog. There are videos and photos that I wanted to post during the trip, but either poor internet service or a lack of time prevented it from happening. It probably will take a few days to sort everything out (I have over 1,800 photos/videos from the trip!), so I'll try to submit a post or two each day this week while the details of the trip are still fresh in my mind.

First up: last week, I posted a video of the first half of the "Les Miserables" medley, which was about seven minutes long. Here is the second half of the medley (also about seven minutes long), recorded in La Chaux de Fonds:

Next, here is a video of one of my favorite choir songs. It is "Little Innocent Lamb," and it features the men of the chorus. The recording here is from Stresa, Italy, which is the same night Jacob filled in on the solo for "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables." Jacob is to the far right in the video. (My apologies for the "bumpiness" of the video near the beginning. I had to shift a little for the person sitting next to me.)

I'll post more tonight and in the next few days. Enjoy!

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