Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paris, France ---> Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Greetings from Luxembourg! My apologies for the lack of posts/photos, but the run through Paris was packed as full as possible, with very little downtime (especially at the hotel), and chaperone duties on the final night there prevented any further posting. But we'll begin this morning with a few more photos from our time in Paris: (1) SOA made a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe in Paris, which was a huge hit with the kids. (And I will admit to enjoying a cheeseburger.); (2) The evening outing was a trip to the Eiffel Tower, where most of the kids took a trip to the top. I stayed below and caught a few pictures of the sunset and (3) the bright lights on the tower once darkness fell.

Yesterday morning we made the drive across France to Luxembourg. This small country is the traditional end point of the concert tour. Hard to believe that we have reached the final concert! It was a very emotional evening, and the crowd in Luxembourg was wonderful and enthusiastic. This is the home base for the crew that drove the buses and the equipment truck for the tour. They were really amazing in getting us around Europe, and many of the same men have been working with the SOA for decades.

Here are a few photos from last night: (1) Jacob strikes a pose as the choir warms up before the concert; (2) Jacob helps Cameron adjust his SOA pin on his lapel; (3) the flags come out during the performance of the "Les Miserables" medley, which received a standing ovation; (4) Jacob moments after the concert. You could tell he was excited/happy/exhausted because he did not make any of his normal 'faces' during pictures after the show, and was happy to pose for numerous pictures.

Today we will visit the American World War II cemetery in Luxembourg, where the SOA will present flags in honor of relatives who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Then it is on to Frankfurt to spend the final night before our flight back. Look for another post later today (this evening on Europe time)!

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