Wednesday, July 17, 2013

La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland ---> Dijon, France ---> Fontainebleau, France

Bon jour! We are just wrapping up what is probably the busiest part of the tour: three full concerts (band and choir) in three nights, in three different cities (as well as three different hotels). Everything has been on a very tight schedule, and sightseeing (and the picture taking) has decreased accordingly.

Before the blog leaves La Chaux de Fonds, here is one more video. This is the first half of the "Les Miserables" medley, and runs about seven minutes long. I'll try to upload the second half of the medley before the end of the trip (also about seven minutes), but that will depend on internet capabilities down the road.

Tuesday morning, it was time to head down the road and leave Switzerland behind. We spent most of the day driving across the beautiful French countryside, through the Burgundy region. Our lunch stop was in Dijon, well known for its mustard. The stop was very brief, but there was enough time to snap a few photos of the town center, which includes a smaller version of the Arc de Triomphe, and a very nice pedestrian district:

The afternoon took us further north to Fontainebleau, France, which is about an hour outside of Paris. This was the sight of the third concert in three nights, at the lovely Saint-Louis of Fontainebleau Catholic Church. The photos below, in order: (1) a poster for our concert in Fontainebleau; (2) a view of the altar area of the church, directly behind where the choir assembled; and (3) a photo of the band and choir performing the ending of the "Les Mis" section of the concert.

This morning, we will tour the Chateau of Fontainebleau, which served as the royal hunting lodge. After that, it is on to Paris! Au revoir!

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