Thursday, July 11, 2013

Innsbruck ---> Cortina, Italy ---> Venice, Italy

Bongiorno! My apologies for not posting in a while, but we have been very busy! And while our hotel in Venice is extremely nice, it has not been the best spot for internet and/or photo uploading. So just a few comments this morning before we head off to the next destination.

After a brief stay in Innsbruck, we traveled through the Austrian Alps, into Italy. The mountains gradually change appearance, becoming more rocky and sharp, which indicates you have passed into the Dolemite Mountains of Italy. Spectacular!

After traversing some winding highways along the sides of rather steep mountains (don't look down...don't look down...), we arrived in Cortina, Italy. This is essentially a ski village, once the host of the Winter Olympics, and it has breathtaking mountain views and a vibrant (but small) town center. The SOA performed a concert here on the night of July 8th (the days are really flying by!) which was, as usual, amazing. At the end of the concert, while loading the equipment truck, the skies opened up and everyone got soaked. We reached our hotel, wet and tired, at about 1:00 a.m. local time. What an adventure!

The next morning, we had time to explore Cortina. Several kids (including Jacob) went up the mountain on a cable car, and other kids (also including Jacob) went to the local ice skating rink. After lunch, we reloaded the buses and set out for the coast--to Venice, Italy.

Venice is unlike any other place in the world. We traveled into the city by ferry, then set out on foot. The town center is a true labyrinth, and it is almost impossible to not get lost. The series of canals around the city allows for gondola rides with spectacular views and a way to see the historic homes of Casanova, Marco Polo, and several others. Large crowds and numerous shops, cafes, and restaurants keep this place humming all day and all night long along the Adriatic Sea.

Yesterday culminated in a mass at the Basilica di San Marco, St. Mark's Basilica. The current version of the church was built in 978 A.D., making it more than one thousand years old. The choir performed here during mass--truly spectacular!

I hope that our next stop allows for some photos to be uploaded. That is all I have time to write now. More later! Ciao!

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