Monday, July 1, 2013

The Real Work Begins

Good morning and welcome to July! A busy Sunday and a late night kept me from a daily update, so I'll post one this morning in hopes of doubling up later today.

Sunday was a day full of rehearsals and meetings (well, just meetings for the chaperones). While the band and choir members learned their music and parts prior to arriving, this was the first opportunity for them to work together with their directors. What amazingly talented kids! I was able to sit in on the very first practice for the choir, and was impressed by how business-like and focused everyone was. (Of course, all of these kids were selected because they have shown that they are willing to work and work together, so this was not a surprise.) If they sound so good on the first day of rehearsal, I can only imagine how they will sound during a performance.

Between meetings in the afternoon, I sat in on the band rehearsal. Wow! An equally amazing group of musicians. Hearing "The Stars and Stripes Forever" in pieces has me eagerly awaiting the complete performance.

Chaperoning duties officially began yesterday as well (thus the "late night" mentioned above). In fulfilling those duties, we found something unexpected in the dormitory refrigerator. So I'll leave you with this photo for now. Yep, that's a whole bunch of sausage.

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