Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Grindelwald, Switzerland ---> La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland

Monday we said goodbye to Grindelwald and drove out of the Alps to La Chaux de Fonds. While we remain in Switzerland, we have moved from the primarily German speaking Alpine region to the French speaking part of Switzerland (we are only miles from the border of France). La Chaux de Fonds is known as the largest watch/clock making area of Switzerland.

This is a relatively quick stop on the tour, with almost no free time in the schedule. We arrived late afternoon, cleaned up, had dinner, and went straight to set up for another concert. Thus, I do not really have any photos to share with you, and all my knowledge of La Chaux de Fonds was given in the last paragraph. (I can tell you that this city looks more like France than Switzerland.)

However, I do have some video to share from the concert. This is a song the choir really has fun with, and features both dancing and a portion of the band. It's "Bandstand Boogie":

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