Saturday, July 13, 2013

One More Video...And You Will Love This One

One final video. It is rather short. I truly apologize for the video quality, as it is not sharply in focus. That is a story for another time.

But the audio is just fine, and it definitely is worth a watch (or two...or more).

*wipes tears from eyes*

The young man who normally sings this solo, Cameron, has taken ill. Actually, a rather large number of SOA members (myself included) have been battling a throat/sinus ailment for a few days now. But Cameron literally had to sit out the entire concert due to his weakened voice.

Jacob had about five hours notice to prepare for the solo. His piece is a portion of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables," which is part of the "Les Miserables" medley. He was amazing! You cannot believe the number of compliments I received from other chaperones, other students, and staff members. (A common statement from the chaperones: "I can't believe that voice comes from that body!")

I will leave you now, as we are packing up to leave Stresa, and Italy altogether. My next post (should the wifi gods allow it) will be from Switzerland. Ciao!

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