Friday, July 12, 2013

More Photos: Venice

Hello again! I'm back from doing laundry and I have a few minutes before going into town, so I thought I'd share a few more photos of Venice...assuming the internet gods will allow it. So here we go, you know the drill: (1) Jacob taking pictures in St. Mark's Square during our tour of the area; (2) Jacob (a little out of focus) in the foreground, with St. Mark's (in focus) in the background. As is so often the case with older buildings and churches, there is some scaffolding near the top for some cleaning and restoration to take place; (3) A closer view of St. Mark's; (4) An even closer view, highlighting the detail above the main entrance to the church; (5) The view of the Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge; (6) A daytime view of the Rialto Bridge from one of the nearby water taxi stands. There were thousands and thousands of people in this area, either taking pictures, taking in the view, stopping in shops, or simply taking the only pedestrian way across the Grand Canal; (7) A view of St. Mark's and the Campanile from the end of St. Mark's Square; (8) A close-up view of some of the detailed sculpture atop St. Mark's, along the side entrance; and (9) We left the main part of old Venice by ferry to return to the newer part of the city, where our hotels were located. This is a shot back toward St. Mark's Square, with the Campanile rising above the other buildings.

You may be asking: did you take any photos or video of the choir performing inside St. Mark's? Sadly, photos and video recorders were forbidden inside, not to mention that it would have been very inappropriate during Mass. However, I do believe that our sound engineer was recording the audio, and that may be available down the road when they assemble the CD of the SOA's performances.

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