Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Bon Voyage Concerts

Today (or should I say yesterday, looking at the clock!) was the big day, the Bon Voyage concerts at Elizabethtown College. The auditorium was near full for both performances, and audience members did not go home disappointed.

WOW! Both the choir and band were tremendous. The choir performed alone first, followed by the band's solo performance.

The final portion of the concert featured the combined choir and band. Among their selections was a very recently published medley of songs from the musical, "Les Miserables." This provided several wonderful solos as well as a number of very powerful songs, including "One Day More."

The combined set also featured a performance of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." This song has become a trademark of SOA in their 37 years, and whenever they perform it, they ask any alumni of the tour that are present to join them onstage to sing/play along. The concert concluded with a fantastic version of "The Stars and Stripes Forever." Members of the choir finished the concert in the audience, singing and clapping along. After the concert, Jacob met with some of the attendees, who were very complimentary.

Well, it's very late, and my laundry is probably dry, so I will leave it at that for now.  Happy Fourth of July!

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